Family Time: Quality or Quantity

Spending time with our families is such an important thing.  Many people ask the question, “Which is more important: quality time or quantity time?”  Both of them are important and needed.  However, group time and individual time are needed also.  Most people are very busy with work, and feel like they might not have enough time left over for quality and quantity time, plus group and individual time.  I know there is an incredible pull for our time, but our families are important enough to make the time.

I have figured out that I spend between eighty to ninety hours a week working for the ministries I run and church I pastor.  It doesn’t seem like work, and I enjoy it, because it is helping people.  I have eleven children and a wonderful wife who all need my time, also.  I have a date with each of my girls every week.  They know what time it is, and they look forward to it.  I have individual times set with my boys to do something fun,  or work with them.  My wife and I have a date every Friday night.  Thursday night is family night and we do something together as a family.  Once in a while something may mess up the schedule.  If that happens, we reschedule the other things.

Many people say they don’t have time to do things like that.  It is amazing the time we would have if we turned off the television and made our family an important part of our schedule. 


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